David Rich

Friday 10:45-11:45am

How to Turn a Contact into a Connection into a Customer

A lot of the basics of selling may be the same as it was 5, 10, or even 100 years ago, but everything around selling is worlds away. The marketplace is more competitive, customers are more skeptical, savvy, and skilled than ever before. You can’t begin to sell someone if they won’t even give you a minute to do so. It isn’t enough just to make a lot of sales calls. Mere training isn’t the answer, but real-world street selling education is. Success is directly related to our ability to make someone want to listen to us, then second, our ability to connect, and finally, being able to convert that connection into a sale. In this highly inspirational and informative session, based on David’s book called “Contagious Selling,” David will equip us with the tools we need to conquer the 3 hardest elements of selling: Getting the Appointment, Making a genuine Connection, & Dealing with Price/Rate Objections. In addition, you will learn:

Why connecting with others is harder than even 5 years ago

  • Why the 6 steps to selling is more important than ever
  • How to make the first contact count & get the appointment
  • Why contagiousness is > salesmanship
  • How to answer price/rate objections effectively

Saturday 10:45-11:45am

Contagious Leadership: How to Inspire Others to BE Rather Than to DO!

It’s one thing to lead because you’re the boss, it’s another to create an environment and culture where others want to follow. Real leadership isn’t about directing but rather about educating and inspiring. Through this presentation you will learn how to manage, motivate, and lead, from a position of passion, persuasion & purpose, rather than from a position of power.

David Rich has been called, “The Most Personable Speaker in America!” He is one of the nation’s leading experts on persuasion and motivation. Since 1986, he has made over 2500 presentations for over two million people in 48 states and 4 countries.

He has presented to groups ranging in size from small local churches to the Fortune 100. His books include: How to Stay Motivated on a Daily Basis! (Kendall-Hunt, 1995) and How to Click with Everyone Every Time! (McGraw-Hill, 2004), which has been called the modern-day version of How to Win Friends & Influence People.

In 2006, David released 7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear in Church, But Might Change Your Life! (Harvest House, 2006), which has become an international best seller. His follow-up book, You Mean That Isn’t in the Bible: 10 Popular Beliefs That Simply Aren’t True!(Harvest House, 2008) was released in spring 2008. His latest book, Contagious Selling, also published by McGraw-Hill, hit book shelves in 2013.