ABA Engineering Academy Announces New Classes
Plans are underway for 2015 with even more opportunities for broadcast engineers to continue their education in this fast and ever changing business.
The Radio Broadcast Engineering Class will be held the week of February 16 – 20 and repeated July 13 -17.
The Television Broadcast Engineering Class will be held the week of March 23 – 27 and repeated October 5 – 9.
New for this year will be two 3-day workshops for Advanced Radio and Television Engineering. These will be designed to prepare engineers to take the SBE Certified Broadcast Radio Engineer (CBRE) or Certified Broadcast Television Engineer (CBTE) exam.
Both workshops will have special presenters from around the country. They will cover station and system design, installation, trouble shooting and maintenance. The Radio Advanced workshop will be March 9th – 11th followed by the Television Advanced workshop April 6th – 8th .
In addition several “special subject” one day seminars will be offered. These include:
May 9th …….IP Fundamentals for Broadcast
June 20th……Art of Live Audio Mixing
July 25th ……Understanding HDTV
August 15th…Engineering Day at ABA Convention
We encourage you to take advantage of these educational opportunities, plus share with others at your station and in your community, that wish to learn more about the technical side of broadcasting. To register online click here.
Our goal at the Academy is to aid the development of new engineers for the industry along with offering continuing educational opportunities for all engineers.
The class is offered by the ABA Engineering Academy at no cost. Should the student desire to take the SBE Certification exam there will be a charge for the test. It is not required to take the exam to attend the classes.
Classes are held at the ABA training center 2180 Parkway Lake Drive, Hoover AL.
Larry Wilkins CPBE®
Alabama Broadcasters Association