Boyd Huppert

Friday 1:45-3:30pm

Compelling Stories on a Deadline

“If I only had more time!”  What manager hasn’t heard that complaint from a member of his or her news team.  This session will provide coaching strategies to help your employees work not only more efficiently, but in a way that produces focused stories viewers will remember and share long after the newscast ends.

Saturday  1:45-3:30pm

The Storytellers’ Dance

Good things happen when reporters and photographers learn to “dance” with each other and with the subjects of our stories.   From interviewing to gathering sound to on-the-fly lighting; this interactive session will feature “live” camera demonstrations that will help give your stories a look and feel unlike any others in your market. 

During his 35-year career in television news, Boyd Huppert has become widely known for his work as a video storyteller and teacher. In his primary role, Boyd works as a reporter at KARE TV in Minneapolis, where he produces and hosts the station’s weekly “Land of 10,000 Stories” segment.

Boyd has also presented more than 200 visual storytelling workshops across North America and in Norway, Denmark and New Zealand.  In addition, Boyd has served for two decades as a faculty member at the Advanced Storytelling Workshop, sponsored by the National Press Photographers Association and held each spring at Texas State University.

Boyd’s work as a reporter has earned some of journalism’s highest honors, including the 2018 National Headliner and Sigma Delta Chi Awards for feature reporting.  In 2017, Boyd was recognized with the National Edward R. Murrow Award for news writing, his 16th National Murrow.  Boyd’s work has also earned the Scripps Howard Award, the national Emmy for feature reporting and more than more than 100 regional Emmys.     Boyd is a 2016 recipient of the Sprague Award, the highest honor bestowed by the National Press Photographers Association.  Also in 2016, Boyd was inducted into the Emmy Silver Circle, recognizing career contributions to the television industry.