Engineering Notebook: Special Audio and Video Over IP Seminar at ABA Conference

July 24, 2014

It is not your father’s broadcast station anymore….

Gone are the days of replacing needles on a tone arm, adjusting the bias on a quad VTR, dubbing music carts in real time, wiring a 25 pair cable to a Christmas tree block and oh yes waiting for the mercury vapor rectifier tubes to warm up before pushing the plate on button.

We could go on and on…but now just plug in a RJ45 and watch the one’s and zero’s go flying by. IP is no longer just for email and spread sheets. Audio and video signals are just as happy traveling along on the same network as the other data.

Keeping up with all this new technology should be at the top of engineers “to-do list”. The ABA Engineering Academy will be hosting a special “Audio and Video over IP” seminar on Saturday August 16th.

This is a part of the ABA Annual Convention to be held at the Hyatt Regency-Wnyfrey Hotel in Birmingham August 15th and 16th. Registration is at 8:30 AM sessions start at 9:00 AM.

Four great presentations are scheduled…

Chris Crump with Comrex Corp will discuss the correct way to use IP for remote pickups.

A review of using “Bonded Cellular for IP television remotes” will be the topic by Raymond Simmons of TVU Networks.

Jay Tyler with Wheatstone will cover the advantages of moving audio around the studio in the IP world.

Then getting the signal to the transmitter using IP STL systems will be explain by Ted Nahil with Gates Air.

In addition to the presentations there will be plenty of time during the day to visit the exhibit hall to see the latest in equipment. Cost for the “Engineering Day” activities is only $30.00 which includes a great lunch.

Don’t forget the ABA Engineering Academy Television Engineering Class September 8th – 12th.

Larry Wilkins CPBE®
Alabama Broadcasters Association